Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A cold day, but my heart feels warm!

Yesterday, I moved to another city.
I just settled in my new hotel room, i love it but.....
This room is kinda pink O-o ... I prefer the color green, or purple...but

I am in Europe now ^^

...closer to my cousin, Zakai, waiting for the next time we will all meet to finally record our song and filming the music video for it.

Ayakashi will come here from Tokyo , soon.
Because we will film our video here in Europe.

Beside that, today I would like to thank Shina Pearl, a cute girl from France that created
the  FIRST FAN PAGE for Abaddon!

Abaddon France

I am really happy about that, because that means that people like our visual look and our stories,
that we gave you a good first impression and that you trust us about making very good music, too.

We will not disappoint you!

The time you will hear and see our creation is getting closer and closer!

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