Friday, November 11, 2011

Magic day, enchanted night....

So, today 11/11/11, we met at the secret location somewhere in
Europe ^_<

And...first song of Abaddon is ALMOST complete.
(We still need abit of work on it, we will do it at late night though, as always hehe)

We are very satisfied about it.

You will have to wait to listen to it, because we will have to film a music video also, before showing it to
the world.

Around Christmas time I think you will finally listen to Abaddon for the first time^^

So please, be patient! It will be worth the wait.

Another thing: the little poll on my facebook page about the future color of my hair.
Thanks to everyone for voting^^

And the winner is: the color purple!
38 people voted for my hair to be purple, hehe
I am happy about that!
The only colors I had until now
were black (in the past) and blond.

So, for new pictures and the music video and for anything else ^^, my hair will be purple!


  1. for your hair purple is beautiful but I do not know why but I'll see you with a beautiful blue

  2. The color i chose for my hair is really special! you will see in the video^^
